Thursday 22 August 2013

Install wordpress on Redhat/CentOS like systems for development

Use CentOS as example.

When I installed CentOS virtual machine, I chose basic server rather than web server, because I'd have to do lots of extra configuration, and turn off tomcat etc. anyway. It's not a big deal to install apache and mysql. So I started clean.

-- CentOS installation

  1. During installation, use static IP address rather than DHCP dynamic IP. Because I am going to use a GUI-less server, and I am not going to bother with DNS configuration (so that hostname can be resolved to IP).
  2. Turn off SeLinux. Too much complication using selinux. So I turned it to permissive by editing /etc/selinux/config, set SELINUX=permissive.
  3. Turn off firewall. Are you good at configuring linux firewall? I am not. Leave the firewall on will cause the webpage inaccessable outsife of my linux server. So I turned it off by   sudo chkconfig --level 23456 iptables off
  4. Edit /etc/hosts, add the entry for my server, it looks like this  webbox webbox.Replace webbox with your server name. Note that I am running this linux box as an isolated test box, hence I am not putting in the FQDN. Just the hostname will do.
  5. Reboot.

-- Install Apache and MySQL.
This instruction is pretty clear already.

Also need to install php mysql extension:
yum install php-mysql
service httpd restart

A few things to change in the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:

  1. Line #Listen change the IP address to my linux box IP. (remember to un-comment it).
  2. Line ServerName change it to ServerName (Remember to uncomment it) I chose not to specify port number. It will do the job.

Run sudo service httpd restart
Test the web server by browsing to
You should see the welcome page of Apache. If not, trouble shoot.

I could then run the wordpress installation by opening http://<ip address>/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php

-- Install phpMyAdmin

  • Add EPEL repository the system.

CentOS/RHEL 6, 32 Bit (i386):
# rpm -Uvh

CentOS/RHEL 6, 64 Bit x86_64):
# rpm -Uvh
  • Install phpMyAdmin.
# yum install phpMyAdmin
  • Configure phpMyAdmin for remote access.
Edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf and update all with my IP.
  • Access phpMyAdmin in a browser.

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